Kid Tested And Approved STEM Gifts - V2

Two years ago, I published a list of ‘Kid Tested And Approved STEM Gifts’. I’ve had several folks ask me for my STEM ideas this holiday season, so I decided to publish a new list – just in time for those last-minute Christmas shoppers! Each of these gifts have been ‘tested’ by my daughters (ages 7 and 8). The items have stood the test of time in that my daughters not only enjoy the items but have played with each one multiple times.

  1. A personal URL & Squarespace Subscription – My 8 year old showed a keen interest in building a website. So we decided to let her do so for one of her school projects. We bought her a URL and then a subscription to Squarespace. I got her started by teaching her how to make one page and she took it from there – spending over 10 hours creating a site that teaches people about arrays. This is the perfect last minute gift as there is no shipping! If you want to check out my daughter’s site and try your hand at completing some arrays, visit it here.
  2. Snap Circuits – both daughters have enjoyed learning the basics of electronics with these kits (kit 1 & kit 2). I like that they can build their own circuits or create experiments outlined in the instruction books. Their favorite components are the LED lights and speaker whereby they can make things light up in response to sounds.
  3. Museum Tickets – my daughters have always loved museums – especially kid/hands-on museums. Museum tickets or annual passes are great gift ideas for families that want to avoid an influx of toys. This directory provides an expansive listing of museums in the United States to help you find the perfect location in your gift recipients’ area.
  4. Magic School Bus Chemistry Lab – this cool kit comes in a bus shaped package and includes 51 experiments that have helped my daughters to learn about pH, chromatography, density and more. They especially enjoyed the colorful experiment cards and writing in the lab notebook.
  5. Couragion App – our app is another great gift that requires no shipping! You purchase it online and kids can login to build self-awareness and career literacy. Via the app they undertake virtual career field trips from seeing how a Food Scientist creates the next big drink flavor to hearing firsthand how a Climate Change Scientist is working to save endangered ocean coral.

Let me know if you have ideas to add to this list and happy holidays to all of our readers!

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